2025年3月2日周日在Wachusett Mountain雪场举行。

第四届美东华人旗门大回转滑雪比赛预计于2025年3月2日星期天在位于Princeton, MA的Wachusett Mountain雪场举办。报名现在开放。报名费每人$30 (2025年1月31日前为$25)。Nastar费用 $19, 全天雪票(8am-3:30pm)为$78 (可自备pass或雪票, 窗口价$99)。付款方式见报名表最后一项。如果同时报名单板双板比赛,请分别填写两次报名表并交纳两份报名费(Nastar费只需付一次)。

如果因场地或气候等不可控原因, 或者最终报名人数少于40人导致比赛取消,所有费用全额退款.


如果没有Nastar ID,填表前请去Nastar.com注册一个。

Weiver (免责)

I acknowledge that:
• skiing, snowboarding, ski/snowboard racing, training, jumping or freestyle competition, riding chairlifts and other winter activities (collectively, “Activities”) afforded to me or my child through this race (“Race”) organized by PASSION at Wachusett Mountain Resort (“Resort”) involve inherent and other dangers and risks of injury, severe illness, permanent disability, death and property damage including but not limited to: variations in terrain, surface or subsurface snow or ice conditions; bare spots; rocks, trees, stumps and other forms of forest growth or debris; construction or layout, maintenance and obstacles of the race course; terrain, lift towers and their components (whether or not any of the foregoing are above or below snow surface); terrain parks, elements or features; pole lines and plainly marked or visible snow making equipment; vehicles and machines including snowmobiles and snowcats; equipment failure; equipment malfunction; collisions with other skiers, other persons or with any of the those items; illness, including exposure to and infection with viruses or bacteria; my or my child’s health condition; my or my child’s presence on the Resort and those other risks and dangers that can reasonably be inferred therefrom; and that those other risks and dangers are obvious and necessary of recreational winter activities;

• racing and training Activities are especially hazardous and greatly increase the danger and risks of those sports; I have the opportunity to conduct a reasonable physical and visual inspection of the training, race or competition course; there may be other risks not known or reasonably foreseeable at this time; participating in these Activities could increase the risk of contracting a virus or viral or bacteriological disease; for safety purposes, the areas of the Activities are under video and audio surveillance; having a Resort employee present does not lessen the amount or severity of the risks or hazards of these activities; and I made a voluntary choice to participate or have my child participate in these Activities despite the risks and dangers; and

• I have read this entire agreement and fully understand its terms.

In consideration of the terms of this agreement and as an express condition of my or my child’s participation in the Program, I hereby:

• assume all dangers and risks, inherent or otherwise, of injury, death and property damage arising from my or my child’s participation in the Activities at the Resort as provided by state statute (MGL Ch. 143 § 71O) and those dangers and risks not outlined in the state statute;

• acknowledge there exist extremely contagious viruses (including the COVID-19 coronavirus) that spread easily through person-to-person contact; that federal and state authorities recommend social distancing as a means to prevent the spread of these viruses; and that none of the Resort Parties warrant that viral or bacteriological infection will not occur through participation in the Activities at the Resort;

• agree not to bring a claim against and agree to release and forever discharge PASSION, their respective employees, officers, volunteers, affiliates, sponsors, agents, and their successors in interest (collectively “Resort Parties”), from all liability for injury, severe illness, permanent disability, death, property loss and damage (collectively, “Loss”) that results from my or my child’s participation in the Activities, the use of the equipment, my or my child’s presence on the Resort, or is related to any other activity at the Resort; including all liability that results from the negligence of PASSION or the Resort Parties, or any other person or cause; and all claims that I or my child may now have against PASSION and/or the Resort Parties, or claims of which I or my child are not aware or are not mentioned in this release. This release also applies to claims resulting from anything which has happened up to now;

• agree to indemnify PASSION and the Resort Parties from any and all losses, liabilities and attorney’s fees resulting from any claims or suits for any Loss that arises out of my or my child’s participation in the Activities, use of the equipment, or any other activities on the Resort, regardless of how or by whom or by what the Loss was caused, or any subrogation or derivative claims brought by any third party or insurer for any Loss I or my child may cause;

• agree to physically and visually inspect the course before either I or my child compete or train; accept the responsibility of me or my child maintaining control at all times while participating in the Activities; agree to ensure either I or my child refrain from reckless skiing, riding or participating in conduct that is not consistent with safe and prudent skiing/snowboarding (including, but not limited to, skiing/snowboarding in closed areas or beyond ski area boundaries), violates “Your Responsibility Code” or the law; and acknowledge that my and my child’s Activities’ privileges may be revoked without refund if I or my child violate any of these conditions;

• represent that I am, or my child is physically fit for, and has no medical conditions or allergies that affect my or my child’s ability to participate in these Activities;

• authorize the Resort to (a) administer first aid as it deems necessary, (b) transport me, or my child, to a medical facility, at my expense, if the Resort deems it necessary (and agree that upon transport to any medical facility, clinic or hospital, the responsibility of the Resort Parties will be totally fulfilled and the Resort Parties will have no further responsibility), (c) provide treatment, including medical or surgical care, necessary for the well-being of me or my child at my expense in the case of serious illness or injury to me or my child where I cannot be reached (the Resort will, to the best of its abilities, attempt to notify me as soon as possible in the event of an emergency with my child); and

• consent to the PASSION’s use of any pictures (video and print) for commercial purposes or otherwise, of me or my child in connection with the Activities at the Resort, without restriction as to frequency, duration or medium.

This agreement is legally binding on me, my child, our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns and supersedes any other agreements or representations by or between the parties; is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and will be interpreted to provide as broad and inclusive a release of liability as is legally permissible, but it is not intended to assert any claims or defenses that are prohibited by law. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any legal action against the Resort Parties is in Superior Court of Middlesex County, Massachusetts or the federal courts of the Eastern District of Massachusetts and those courts have personal jurisdiction. If any part of this agreement is determined to be unenforceable, all of its other parts will be given full force and effect. I understand that the Resort Parties are granting me and my child permission to use the Resort, their facilities, and equipment in exchange for me signing this agreement. This agreement will survive and continue in force beyond the end of the current winter season with respect to any liability or Loss occurring before that time.

Ski or Snowboard 单板或双板 (如果单双板都报名,请分别递交一份报名并缴纳两份报名费,但是Nastar费只用交一份)
是否USSA/USCSA Registered Athlete 注册运动员? (满14岁及以上USSA/USCSA Athlete需参加专业组)
报名组别 (暂定每组至少5人成组)
是否需要购买当天全天雪票 (session 1 & 2, 8:00AM-3:30PM. 官网价$99, 团购$78)?